Hospice, Primary & Palliative Care in
Smithfield, UT

Providers that are Compassionate Comprehensive  Qualified

Services We Provide

Choose the Right Care Option for Your Loved One

Hospice Care

Smithfield City’s At Home Hospice Care delivers compassionate end-of-life support, ensuring comfort for patients in their homes or medical facilities

Primary Care

This service is helpful for those who have chronic illnesses or limited mobility and need physician appointments at home.

Palliative Care

Palliative care at home for people suffering from severe illness or chronic pain, whose quality of life diminishes because of their condition.

Smithfield Neighborhoods We Cover

We cover all neighborhoods in and near Smithfield, UT, including Providence, Nibley, Smithfield, North Logan, Hyrum, Logan, and Tremonton. See our complete list of Utah locations for hospice, mobile primary, and palliative care. Or visit our sister services from Agape Hospice Care in GeorgiaElevation Hospice in Colorado, and Sage Hospice, Primary, and Palliative Care in Arizona.na.

How Does Hospice Care Work?

For patients nearing the end of their lives, comfort is a priority. Mobile hospice care allows patients to remain comfortably at home or in a medical facility to receive care. Smithfield hospice care team members provide gentle and supportive care to ease worries and burdens in a patient’s final days. For more guidance on deciding if hospice care is appropriate, see our article 8 Signs it’s Time for Hospice Care.

Our at home hospice care provides:

How Does Palliative Care Work?

Palliative care, including hospice at home, is a holistic approach to the challenging symptoms patients face. Our Smithfield palliative care team not only treats pain and other difficult physical symptoms but also nurtures the patient’s spirit during a trying time. This care, conducted by a team of top doctors, nurses, social workers, spiritual leaders, therapists, nutritionists, and more, takes place in the patient’s home, assisted living, or nursing home facility. See our article What is Palliative Care to learn more.

Our at home palliative care offers:

How Does Primary Care Work?

Mobile primary care is ideal for patients with pain or discomfort inhibiting their mobility and making necessary medical visits difficult. Elevation will bring care to the patient, making the process significantly easier. Our team can coordinate care with the patient’s physicians and specialists to bring a home doctor right to you.

Our at home primary care includes:

How Does Insurance Work?

Our Promise to You

Our caregivers are here to help and provide comforting support with the utmost respect and compassion for your loved one and your family. Our qualified team of experts brings comprehensive medical, spiritual and emotional care to your doorstep. We always put the patient’s needs first. 

  • Our professional caregivers nurture patients by providing:
  • Knowledgeable, qualified, and compassionate care
  • Comfort to struggling family members
  • Therapy to address social, emotional, and spiritual needs
  • Convenient and individualized in-home care
  • Industry-leading medical equipment and supplies
  • Specialist referrals

We Honor Veterans

Elevation is committed to showing gratitude and respect to our veterans in Utah for their selfless service to our country. We recognize that many veterans struggle with post-traumatic stress and other emotional challenges, and we are dedicated to providing compassionate care to help ease their pain. As a small token of our appreciation, we make it a priority to honor our veterans on important military holidays and commemorative dates.

24/7 Hospice Care Line

24/7 Primary & Palliative Care Line

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Elevation Hospice, Primary and Palliative Care is accredited by the Accreditation Commission
for Healthcare (ACHC).
To submit a complaint to ACHC, please contact the ACHC Complaints Department at (855) 937-2242.

Utah Department of Health Division of Family Health and Preparedness Bureau of Health Facility Licensing and Certification

Complaints may be filed by:

Elevation Hospice, Primary and Palliative Care Utah provides care without regard to race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or ability to pay. Learn more by clicking here.

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